Migraine Hypnosis

I used to feel like someone was whacking my head with a hammer and it would take hours to shift the pain…..after only a few sessions I learned to use colours to soften the pain until I hardlly notice it as much now and don't get them as often
Dorothy M (Ulverston)
What causes migraines?
Migraine headaches tend to vary from mild to severe and clearly they are the source of great discomfort for many people. Not only is quality of life affected by a migraine, but if left untreated the condition can be debilitating. The most common triggers are certain foods, poor sleep patterns and above all stress. Hypnotherapy can therefore be very effective with many types of migraine by identifying the trigger and reprogramming how the body reacts to the trigger.
Migraines have a number of very unpleasant symptoms
Normal headaches are unpleasant in themselves but with a migraine headache often there is an intensity to the pain which is described as throbbing and usually felt in just one temple, in the forehead or around the eye or neck. The pain can switch sides and is normally accompanied by feelings of nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and sensitivity to light.
Always consult your medical practitioner
Hypnotherapy can very effectively assist with migraine pain but must never be viewed as a solution in itself. Hypnotherapy must always be viewed as a compliment to any additional medical treatment and it is your responsibility to seek GP advice on any matter regarding your own health.
Effective hypnotherapy treatment for migraines
Continual migraines are a condition which can respond very well to hypnosis. An alternative, safe and drugless treatment is available to you once you learn how to access the subconscious part of your mind to target the source of the problem rather than simply masking the symptoms superficially. Hypnotherapy by its very nature shows you how to self medicate and control any discomfort naturally through the power of your own deep relaxed state of mind. READ MORE
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If you would like to see how your mind can be hypnotised to reduce the stress related symptoms of your migraines, as well as reduce the frequency of the attacks, then simply fill out the contact form below and request your FREE callback
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