General Anxiety Issues

Categories of anxiety

Anxiety comes in many forms and being anxious is a condition which affects all of us at some point in our lives to a greater or lesser degree. There are seven types of anxiety, all of which exhibit similar negative symptoms; choking, nausea, increased heart rate, upset stomach, sweating, trembling. These seven areas include General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Social Phobia, Panic Attacks, Agoraphobia, Specific Phobias, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Often the person suffering from anxiety has a fear of losing control in some way.

What are the effects of anxiety?

People who are anxious for some reason have a feeling of being out of control of a situation, constantly imagining the worst outcome or believing there is no hope. This can affect not only their everyday moods but also affect sleep patterns and in some extreme cases a person end up mildly or chronically depressed. Anxiety leads to avoiding all kinds of situations and people. A person suffering from anxiety will avoid meeting new people, may feel inadequate in their jobs or destroy their relationships.

Anxiety and panic attacks

The worst effect common to many sufferers is a sudden but intense feeling of panic, better known as a panic attack. People who suffer from panic attacks also tend to suffer from
claustrophobia and/or agoraphobia. This condition unchecked can lead to long term problems which can also to the development of depression.

What is the Domino System and How Can it Help?

Put simply, for the first time in the history of civilization through the Domino System™, we have the ability to release negative emotions and limiting beliefs, which invariably lead to anxiety and low mood or depression. The way this is achieved is by releasing the root of the emotion or belief from past memories and emotions about ourselves and our past. Once this unconscious block is eliminated, in effect this has a knock on effect on how we feel in the present and more importantly how we begin to feel about the future. With the blockage now removed through hypnotherapy the client can be empowered to create a new more resourceful attitude towards a more confident and anxiety free future.

David Faratian Clinical Hypnotherapist

If you would like to take advantage of our FREE phone consultation then please fill out the contact form below and request a callback. Please include your phone number and best time to contact you (e.g. Evening 6pm)

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Effective treatment for anxiety

People are advised always to consult their GP before considering alternatives. The good news however, is that for those people who want to find an effective compliment to the treatment being received from their doctor, there is always NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Hypnotherapy. By its very nature hypnosis is a relaxation therapy and can be of great help in helping the sufferer release subconscious tension. More importantly, NLP has an excellent track record in identifying the trigger for panic attacks and empowering the sufferer to neutralise any limiting emotions or beliefs using the powerful Time Line Therapy strategies or the Domino System.

If any of this has resonated with you and you would like to discuss your options then please complete the contact form on this page and request your free callback.

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Until I saw David Faratian I was living a daily nightmare. I couldn't eat or sleep properly and I felt everone and everything was against me. I wouldn't say this unless it was true, but now I feel much better in myself and able to cope
Gemma Prestwick (Cumbria)
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