Fear of Enclosed Spaces (Claustrophobia)

Symptoms and signs of Claustrophobia

Do you or anyone you know suffer from a fear of enclosed spaces, the condition more commonly known as Claustrophobia? This phobia is triggered by certain situations, such as being in an elevator, a small room, the cabin of an aeroplane etc When it comes to Claustrophobia you can experience some of the following unpleasant and often debilitating symptoms which affect your everyday life. Feelings of nausea, fainting, increased heart rate and shaking are the most common feelings. In general these symptoms may be mistaken for a panic attack even though the condition is really a phobia which the brain has learned through a patterned response at some point.

Where does this phobia for enclosed spaces originate?

Most likely your Claustrophobia can start when you are a child, perhaps in a situation where you found yourself trapped in a small, confined space when you were exploring. It can also start later in life due to a traumatic incident which leaves you feeling trapped and unable to cope through stresses brought about by work or even in your personal life.
When I was really young my brother locked me in a cupboard for a joke. Kids play, but this game left me unable to be anywhere where I felt hemmed in. I am now free of my fear becasue I have learned to spin the feeling away and find my level quickly. Cheers Dave
Simon Rogers (Cartmel)
 Hypnotherapist fear of horse riding

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Being plagued by claustrophobia

Unfortunately this fear for enclosed spaces can affect not only your life but also those around you. It may result in you being unable to travel for long periods of time on a plane, or in a car and the need to have plenty of air can leave you feeling irritable and generally panicky. Fortunately though there is a solution for this condition and an effective one. Hypnotherapy offers an easy and permanent solution to your claustrophobia problem.

Effective Treatment

Through Hypnosis and NLP you can train the subconscious mind to develop an effective trigger which you can use whenever you feel the symptoms of claustrophobia emerging. By learning to neutralise the negative response to your phobia for enclosed spaces you can end up effectively wiping out the original symptoms and be free of your condition permanently.

If you would like to see how Cumbria Hypnosis can help you then please fill in the contact form to request your Free callback today

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